community allotment

Community Allotment

This project is all about learning to grow food and runs some 46 weeks a year. Its focus is on health and wellbeing; supporting people to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing by being outdoors, being active, connected to nature and within a community.

There are a limited number of spaces to be booked and the maximum groups size is 20. We ask for a regular commitment every week throughout the year. The group is inclusive and welcoming to those with support workers. Please contact us to discuss if a space is available or to go on a waiting list.

Meet our Volunteers

I’m learning what I should be planting in my own garden

Through volunteering at the community allotment I have met a wonderful group of people, I get outside in all the seasons and I’m learning what I should be planting in my own garden.

Nic, Parks Volunteer

Get Involved

If you would like to find out more about our community allotment project, please get in touch and we will contact you shortly.
Contact us
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