Business Volunteering

Our business volunteering programme gives your employees the opportunity to volunteer in the parks and local nature reserves, where they will learn practical skills that involve lots of hands-on activities and working together; this is team building in the great outdoors.


We offer a wide range of volunteering activities in Chelmsford. All tasks form part of our management plans for each site, such as planting young trees, building a culvert bridge, undertaking pond restoration, heather management at our lowland heath site, to helping build an outdoor classroom– the list goes on. All the days are led by our Parks Volunteer Leader and her assistant. All tools and equipment that are required will be provided and the day can be tailored around you.

We can host groups of between 8 – 40 individuals, for either half a day or a full day, and no prior experience is needed to participate.


Benefits for you and your employees

    • Enjoyment of a rewarding day in an inspirational setting
    • Improve employee health and wellbeing
    • Encourage team work and relationship building
    • Opportunity to give something back to your local environment
    • Demonstrate your company’s commitment and values
    • Safe and inclusive enjoyable experience


Days are free, and all tools and materials are provided but companies/ groups can choose to make a donation to the project.



It was really enjoyable and rewarding. It felt like we were making a difference while enjoying some good team building. I’d highly recommend it.

Earlier this month, RSM UK Audit LLP took part in a team volunteering day at Chelmer Valley LNR. After a health and safety talk, thirteen staff members helped with digging ditches, clearing outfalls at the bridges, resurfacing paths and cutting back growth around seating areas and bridges.

Here’s what the team had to say:

“I thought it was a really well organised event which felt like it achieved a lot of ‘good’ whilst also being fun!”

“It was really enjoyable and rewarding. It felt like we were making a difference while at the same time enjoying some good team building. It’s completely different from our usual day job. Also, the day was well organised and they (CCC) provided everything that we needed for the work that we were doing. I’d highly recommend it.”


Get Involved

If you would like to find out more about our business volunteer days, please get in touch and we will get in contact with you shortly.
Contact us
Make a difference, business volunteering