schools and colleges vols
schools and colleges
schools and colleges
schools and colleges

Schools & Colleges

We offer opportunities for local schools of all age groups, and colleges, including participants in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and those needing to gain practical experience for related college courses in environmental studies.

Contact us to discuss if we can arrange a volunteer project, such as bulb/wildflower/tree planting, etc in a park or local nature reserve near your school or college.


Meet our Volunteers

These regular events have left our students with wonderful, lasting  memories of the great outdoors!

Thriftwood College

Chelmsford City Parks have given our college students a fantastic range of opportunities to plant trees, wildflowers and bulbs in our local area. We have worked mainly with volunteers in Admirals Park, but we have also had the chance to plant crocus bulbs in Andrew’s Park, to litter pick in Chelmer Park and to be invited, on two occasions, to plant trees with our Mayor of Chelmsford and other dignitaries. These regular events have left our students with wonderful, lasting memories of the great outdoors!

The staff at Chelmsford City Parks has also enhanced our Outdoor Learning curriculum with their dedication and enthusiasm and the students have loved these trips off site. Through this work, a partnership has also grown with the Royal Horticulture Society and students have had further opportunities to work at Waterhouse Lane Allotments and up at Hyde Hall, on a variety of projects, with new volunteers.



Get Involved

If you would like to find out more about our volunteer projects please get in touch and we will contact you shortly.
Contact us
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