A family–friendly interactive app is available for Chelmer Valley LNR, its free and aimed at all members of the family. The app is part of a Safer Streets programme for the area and was made possible through funding from the Home Office. Through quizzes for the children and facts it aims to bring to life the history of the site, its flora and fauna, with a cartoon otter character called Harry.
There are a number of points along the reserve, where the app can be picked up by scanning the QR codes, available along the route. The app is split into sections and will guide users.
Chelmer Valley Local Nature Reserve provides habitats for herons, egrets, otters, muntjacs and many more species. It’s an important retreat in the city for both wild animals and humans and the app aims to help residents understand more about it. Chelmsford City Council parks volunteers help look after the area and if you would like to join them then you can find out more on come join us