Are you aware of the funding opportunities open to schools in Chelmsford?


We have made a list of active funding opportunities for climate action, sustainability and nature enhancing initiatives as of March 2025!

Grants for EV charge points – the Government is offering a grant for 75% off EV chargepoint purchasing and installations, open until 31 March 2025.

Funding for research into Climate and Biodiversity – The Royal Society are currently offering funding for STEM Partner Schools researching Climate Change and Biodiversity topics. Open until 30 April 2025.

Funding for new trees –  The Woodland Trust are giving away thousands of native trees to be planted for FREE, schools and community groups can apply. Applications open until August 2025.

Funding for better understanding the Environment and Countryside -The Nineveh Charitable Trust provides grant-aid for UK-based projects that benefit the General Public, with a focus on education, access and preservation of the countryside, the site also has case studies of awarded grants. No deadline provided. 

Funding for sustainability initiatives – The Stobart Sustainability fund is open for community-led projects that benefit the environment and reduce carbon footprint, also open to community groups and small businesses. No deadline provided.

Local Eco Awards to get involved with!


Tackling water insecurity


Anglian Water have a new Eco Award open for schools to achieve to encourage our region to think about their water usage. Once the criteria is met, your school will achieve a certification and code for a free water butt! Register by 4 July 2025.