We have been talking with Essex Birdwatching Society, a great charity discussing all things Birds and Essex. The Essex Birdwatching Society’s Chair has kindly shared with us some of the activities they get up to and more about how you can join in on your bird watching journey.

Guest writer: The Essex Birdwatching Society Chair.

All images credit of The Essex Birdwatching Society. (Above Firecrest, newslink image Yellow Wagtail) 

(Images above: Sparrowhawk, Waxwing, Yellowhammer)


The Essex Birdwatching Society (EBwS) is a Registered Charity (No: 1142734), and it was founded in 1949, and provides an interesting programme of indoor talks in Chelmsford as well as Zoom meetings which can be watched from the comfort of your home. These talks cover a wide range of subjects, from beautiful birds that can be seen in many countries around the world to species that are regularly seen in Essex.

Monthly ‘Birds of Essex’ shows on YouTube provide the latest birding news from around the county including recent sightings, as well as featuring special guests, competitions, and lots of superb photographs too. This is a very informal platform where points of view and comments are invited from the viewers.

The EBwS also organises guided bird walks across the county and beyond. Walks in Essex are free to attend and open to everyone with no booking required, just turn up at the start time indicated for a great day’s birding. When visiting sites beyond Essex the group travels in comfort by luxury coach, giving people the opportunity to catch up with friends old and new, whilst taking away the strain of driving home after a great day’s birding. Coach trips are all pre-booked and start from Chelmsford, with set pick-ups at other locations depending on the destination. All field trips have guides with spotting ‘scopes to ensure everyone sees as much as possible and gets the most enjoyment out of the day.

(Images above: Nuthatch, Mandarin Duck, Mallard Ducklings)


Additional ‘pop-up’ events are held at short notice, including identification sessions and ringing demonstrations by licenced ringers, giving the opportunity to see bird’s amazing plumage details at close quarters, and to understand a little more about each species. You may even get the opportunity to release a bird and watch it fly away.

The Society produces a biannual ‘Essex Birding’ magazine that’s packed full of features and articles, many of which are written by members about places they’ve visited or their birding experiences. With field trip reports, area reports and superb photos from the quarterly photographic competition, ‘Essex Birding’ is another great benefit of being a member.

(Images above: Swallow, Little Egret, Long-tailed Tit)

From the many sightings received from members and the public EBwS also produce the annual ‘Essex Bird Report’ which is the counties benchmark and has provided important Essex ornithological data for the past 75-years. This information establishes how species are faring and influences important future conservation efforts for birdlife in the county and beyond. The report is supplied free to all members, but can be purchased separately if required, as can the magazine.

Finally, an EBwS Conference is held every two-years at an excellent venue in Chelmsford, with first class facilities for delegates. A series of themed talks take place throughout the day, ranging from migration and reintroduction to conservation or an in-depth look at a particular species. Interesting and varied display stands covering a wide range of subjects can be viewed upon arrival and during the lunch break, with morning refreshments on arrival and a light lunch included in the admission ticket cost.


Further details can be found at www.ebws.org.uk and if you have any questions about the Essex Birdwatching Society you can e-mail them to info-ebws@gmail.com.

(image below: Blue Tit)