Tower Gardens Gardener
We thought we would start by showing you the progress of the new rose bed in the gardens. The roses (Lady Hamilton) are now coming into bloom with a lovely sweet scent and the Hidcote lavender is forming a nice hedge. Another favourite is the bloom of the Himalayan Honeysuckle by the Bowling Green.
Recently my colleague Mike noticed something buzzing around the entrance of this disused burrow and found a nest of Red-tailed Bumble Bees.

Hylands Head Gardener
We have just started planting the borders in The Hanbury Memorial Garden. The Garden is taking shape nicely although there is plenty more work to be done! We have also carried some general bed and border maintenance in The One World Garden.
We have been working on the perennial weeds and bracken around the large pond banks in the Pleasure Gardens in preparation for planting in the autumn.

Parks Volunteer Leader
We have been cutting back footpath edges so that people can get out and see some of our wonderful green spaces. Most of our wildflower meadow areas are at their peak now and they are spread far and wide.
Wildflower Meadows are great habitat for insects. It is a great time for spotting butterflies, particularly when it is a little cooler in the morning because they sit still long enough to get the colour and patterning. Why not get out and see how many butterflies that you can spot!