Central Park Gardener
Our staff have been working very hard this year to keep the parks looking good and have just finished planting out the Annual flower bedding in Central Park and Bell Meadow. The Memorial bed is now filled with Polyanthus and Tulips, interplanted with Agapanthus, Palms and a Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum) and in the outer rings, there are yet more Polyanthus and Hyacinth bulbs. The flowers are starting to come out and will provide a burst of colour to brighten up the park in the Winter months.
Look around and you will see yet more colour on the autumn cherry (Prunus subhirtella autumnalis) and the masses of berries on the Holly tree (Ilex aquifolium), both in colour ready for the Christmas period.
Oaklands Park Gardener
As the year draws to a close, our Winter bedding (Polyanthus) is starting to show fantastic colours of orange and red while the range of bulbs in the park are starting to break through too.
Meanwhile we have been busy renovating the Echo Garden and will soon have a new bench to sit and watch the Robins this winter. We have also installed 2 new hedgehog houses to hopefully encourage them into the park so keep an eye out and you may see one before they go into hibernation (but please don’t touch!).