Well done to each of our young residents to who came down to make planters at Arun Park, Springfield on the 8th April.
The Love Your Chelmsford Team upcycled the planters from unwanted pallets at Chelmsford Recycling and Waste Depot in Boreham. Young residents then treated the planters with a tiny bit of beeswax, before using peat free compost to plant wild flower seeds.
It is now more important than ever to help increase our local bee population and for young people to take an interest in caring for our environment – please check out our ‘Making Wildflower Planters’ short film in the Video Gallery for inspiration.
If you liked the look of our Planter event but missed out, don’t worry. We still have some upcycled planters available, so we will be running a competition next week on our social media pages – please search for ‘Love Your Chelmsford’.