Air Quality Dashboard


airTEXT Air Pollution Forecast

The forecast is provided by airTEXT and represents the expected level of pollution for the whole area. The forecast doesn’t necessarily represent what people will experience at roadside locations.


Diffusion Tube Monitoring

Clicking on a diffusion tube site will provide a rolling annual average nitrogen dioxide concentration measured in micrograms per cubic metre (μg/m3). These measurements will be updated monthly.

Concentrations measuring above 40 μg/m3 are non-compliant with the Air Quality Objectives.

Concentrations measuring below 40 μg/m3 are compliant with the Air Quality Objectives.

Continuous Automatic Monitoring

Clicking on an continuous automatic monitoring site will provide current measurements from that site measured in micrograms per cubic metre (μg/m3). These measurements are updated hourly and may vary significantly across the day.

Year to date monitored pollution data is available to download below. Note, the data provided is raw and unadjusted.

Baddow Road Q1 Summary 2024

Chignal St James Q1 Summary 2024

Rainsford Lane Q1 Summary 2024

Springfield Road Q1 Summary 2024