The 5 for 5 Food Challenge is your chance to showcase your culinary skills while embracing sustainability.

Residents of Chelmsford are invited to participate in this exciting competition. Create a delicious meal for one person using sustainable, seasonal, and local ingredients, all for under £5.

Get ready to unleash your inner chef, compete for monthly prizes, and join us in promoting affordable, sustainable cooking

What kind of ingredients are we looking for?

Local and UK-reared Ingredients:

Buying local or UK-reared ingredients supports nearby farmers, reduces transportation emissions, and boosts the local economy. These ingredients, including livestock, fruits, and vegetables, promote sustainability by reducing food miles and supporting British producers.

Seasonal Ingredients:

Choosing seasonal ingredients means selecting produce that is naturally available and at its peak freshness. This supports sustainable agricultural practices, reduces the need for long-distance transportation, and ensures optimal flavour and quality.

Sustainable Substitutions:

Making sustainable substitutions involves replacing traditional ingredients with alternatives that have lower environmental impact. For example, using cauliflower rice instead of white rice reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Other examples include swapping meat for plant-based proteins and choosing organic or locally produced options to minimize pesticide use and support sustainable farming.

The Rules:
Minimum 5 Ingredients:
Participants must use a minimum of 5 ingredients to create their meal.

£5 Budget Limit: The total cost of all purchased ingredients must not exceed £5 at the checkout.

Single Meal Requirement: Entries should be designed to create a single meal to feed one person.

Exclusion of Sauces and Supplements: Sauces and supplemental ingredients such as salt, pepper, and oils do not need to be included in the £5 budget.

Use of Leftovers: While the use of leftovers is allowed and encouraged, if the majority of the meal is reliant on leftovers, they must be included in the overall cost, but odds and ends are free to add!

Homegrown and Allotment-Grown Exemption: Homegrown and allotment-grown ingredients are exempt from the cost calculation.

How your meal will be judged
All meals will be judged based on a scoring system.
Points will be awarded based on what choices you make when you buy your ingredients. For example: Buying imported onions isn’t particularly sustainable. Buying Onions grown in the UK is a great example. Even more points will be awarded if they are allotment grown or home grown!
Meats like beef have a larger carbon footprint compared to chicken, so that would be a great substitute. Or Using a meat alternative would earn even more points!

Points will also be awarded for creativity and presentation!

The meal that scores the highest will be the winner of this months prize!

How to enter:
Fill in this form below with your:
-Personal information
-The name of your meal
-Ingredients used
-Your recipe
-Description of your meal

And three pictures:

-A close up of your meal
-A photo of you holding the meal
-And a Photograph of the ingredients used.


Submit your Recipe here! Entries will be accepted until midnight on the 27th of August 2024.
Five for five submission form (